Business Information

This is the management information of Wooju E&C Corp. and Wooju Construction Corp.
that gives trust and trust to customers with the best effort.


Business Performance Trend

  • Sales
  • Operating margin
  • Net margin

Sales and profitability analysis

  • 2021 years
  • 2022 years
(In millions of Korean won)


Total assets

Total liabilities

Total equity


Operating profit

Net Income

2022-12-31 54,492 13,658 40,833 107,512 5,293 1,763
2021-12-31 52,930 12,427 40,503 112,403 5,538 6,094
2020-12-31 47,931 13,391 34,540 114,067 7,197 5,676

Borrowing structure analysis

  • short-term
  • long time
  • Borrowing dependence

Stability indicator analysis

  • Debt ratio
  • Current ratio

Competitive advantage analysis compared to the same industry

  • Financial ratio
  • ECR average

Analysis of competitive advantage compared to superior companies

  • Financial ratio
  • Excellent business group
unit : %


Sales growth rate

Operating margin

Net margin

Current ratio

Debt ratio

Borrowing dependence

2022-12-31 -4.4 4.9 1.6 344.5 33.5 0.0
2021-12-31 -1.5 4.9 5.4 354.2 30.7 0.0
2020-12-31 -20.8 6.3 5.0 289.7 38.8 0.0

Business Performance Trend

  • Sales
  • Operating margin
  • Net margin

Sales and profitability analysis

  • 2021 years
  • 2022 years
(In millions of Korean won)


Total assets

Total liabilities

Total equity


Operating profit

Net Income

2022-12-31 11,515 3,993 7,522 9,752 345 284
2021-12-31 10,666 3,429 7,237 6,977 550 333
2020-12-31 11,361 4,458 6,903 21,747 296 204

Borrowing structure analysis

  • short-term
  • long time
  • Borrowing dependence

Stability indicator analysis

  • Debt ratio
  • Current ratio

Competitive advantage analysis compared to the same industry

  • Financial ratio
  • ECR average

Analysis of competitive advantage compared to superior companies

  • Financial ratio
  • Excellent business group
unit : %


Sales growth rate

Operating margin

Net margin

Current ratio

Debt ratio

Borrowing dependence

2022-12-31 39.8 3.5 2.9 225.3 53.1 17.4
2021-12-31 -67.9 7.9 4.8 445.5 47.4 22.0
2020-12-31 142.6 1.4 0.9 213.9 64.6 21.6